Attorney Wong has recently been featured on ADDitude magazine, a nationally-recognized publication serving families and adults living with attention deficit disorder by publishing expert information about ADHD diagnosis & treatment, school accommodations, parenting ADD kids, getting organized with ADD, and much more.
Read Attorney Wong's article here.
If you need help advocating for your ADD/ADHD child's educational rights, contact Boston area attorney Lillian E. Wong today.
Can I Go to College if I Have an "IEP Diploma?"
The IEP/504 Plan is so Long and Complicated - What Does It All Mean?
NCLD Releases Massachusetts' Special Education Scorecard
The Scorecard
The National Center for Learning Disabilities, Inc. recently released Massachusetts' Special Education Scorecard. The Scorecard summarizes the U.S. Department of Education's report on Massachusetts' compliance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and provides statistics about Massachusetts students with specific learning disabilities.
Can Teachers Talk to My Child About ADD/ADHD Medication?
I recently wrote an article called Education Law and ADD/ADHD Medication. In that article, I addressed whether it was legal for schools to require ADD/ADHD medication, whether teachers could talk to parents about ADD/ADHD medication, and whether schools could refuse to administer ADD/ADHD medication. Read that article here.
The School Says What I'm Requesting Is Too Expensive
BSEA Releases 2010 Statistics
The Massachusetts Bureau of Special Education Appeals has released its statistics for 2010. The statistics reveal that most disputes with school districts result in a resolution long before a hearing decision is issued, and if the dispute reaches the hearing stage the school district is likely to prevail.