The School Says What I'm Requesting Is Too Expensive

This is the fourth part of an eight-part series, Top IEP/504 Flaws and What You Can Do About Them

The Problem
The school agrees that your child would benefit from a particular assistive technology or a 1-on-1 aide, but they just don't have the money in the budget for it this year.

What You Can Do
If your child needs an accommodation or services in order to make educational progress the school must provide it. But remember, there is a legal difference between an educational benefit and an educational necessity. If it is necessary, cost cannot be a reason for denying your request. That doesn't mean that the school can't consider the cost of your request in certain circumstances. For example, if you child requires assistive technology, you can't force the school to purchase the most expensive model, if a less expensive brand will meet your child's needs.

If you need a special education advocate in Massachusetts, contact Boston area lawyer Lillian E. Wong today.