Can Teachers Talk to My Child About ADD/ADHD Medication?

I recently wrote an article called Education Law and ADD/ADHD Medication. In that article, I addressed whether it was legal for schools to require ADD/ADHD medication, whether teachers could talk to parents about ADD/ADHD medication, and whether schools could refuse to administer ADD/ADHD medication. Read that article here.

The Question
After reading that article, readers had one remaining question - is it permissible for my child's teacher to talk to him or her about their medication?

The Answer
It depends on whether the conversation is private. If the teacher is asking your child about taking ADD/ADHD medication in front of other students or parents, the teacher is arguably violating the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). FERPA mandates that personal information, like what medication a student takes, may only be disclosed if there is a legitimate educational interest in the disclosure. FERPA also provides exceptions for disclosure in emergency situations. If the conversation is private, the teacher has acted appropriately.

If you have questions about the rights of children with ADD/ADHD, contact the Boston area Law Office of Lillian E. Wong today.