School Choice In Massachusetts

Massachusetts' Inter-District School Choice Program allows a parent to enroll his or her child in a school district that is not the child's home district. You do not need approval from your home district.

Only certain districts accept school choice. Find which districts are accepting new enrollments here.

If more students apply for school choice than there are spaces available, the district will hold a lottery. A sibling of a child currently attending school in another district under school choice will receive preference in the admission's lottery.

Once your child is accepted into another district under school choice, he or she is entitled to attend the district's school until high school graduation. You do not need to reapply each year.

Transportation is NOT provided for students attending another school district under this program.

School choice is also available under the Federal No Child Left Behind law.

If you need help with school choice in Massachusetts, contact education attorney Lillian E. Wong today.