Proposed Changes to Massachusetts Special Education Regulations

On December 10, 2010 Mitchell D. Chester, Ed.D., Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education, proposed the following changes to Massachusetts' Special Education Regulations.

Parental Consent
This proposed change would clarify parents' right to revoke consent to all special education and related services, and will eliminate the suggestion that a school may file a due process hearing or court action to challenge a parent's decision to revoke consent to all special education and related services.

Bureau of Special Education Appeals
The proposed change indicates that the BSEA is a subdivision of the Division of Administrative Law Appeals and no longer within the Department of Education.

Interpreting Services
The proposed change would require sign language interpreters to be registered with the Massachusetts Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.

Independent Education Evaluations
The proposed change would clarify the five school day timeline for responding for a parents requesting an IEE under federal law.

Read the text of the proposed changes here.

If you have questions about your child's rights, contact Massachusetts special education lawyer Lillian E. Wong today.