Top 10 Blog Posts of 2010

What were the most popular topics of 2010?

By far, Massachusetts' Anti-Bullying Law dominated readers' attention. Readers were also eager to learn about their rights under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act ("IDEA"), and other applicable laws.

Didn't get a chance to read them all? Here's the list in order of popularity:

  1. Massachusetts' Anti-Bullying Law's IEP Requirements (519 page views)

  2. Rejecting an IEP (242 page views)

  3. Advocate vs. Attorney - What is the Difference? (214 page views)

  4. Massachusetts' New Anti-Bullying Law (209 page views)

  5. Hearing Decision - Child Entitled to Return to General Education Setting (175 page views)

  6. Massachusetts' Law on Physical Restraint (152 page views)

  7. Testing Accommodations (108 page views)

  8. Massachusetts' New Autism Insurance Law (108 page views)

  9. Due Process Hearings - What to Expect (95 page views)

  10. Classroom Observation - A Parental Right (78 page views)

If you have questions about any of these special education legal issues, contact the Boston area Law Office of Lillian E. Wong today.