Can I Go to College if I Have an "IEP Diploma?"

Reader Question:
Can I still go to college if I have an IEP Diploma?

I'm just wondering what benefits can you get having that kind of diploma what can you do with it.

My Response:
I'm not sure what you mean by an IEP diploma. IEP means individualized education program. Some students on IEPs receive "regular" diplomas, while other students graduate under a modified program.

I would recommend that you take a look at your IEP. On one of the last pages there should be a section about "transition plans." Transition plans are the IEP teams goals for you after high school. Your school is legally required to help you figure out what you want to do after high school and help you get there. If you want to go to college, make sure that the IEP team knows that. You have the right to participate in IEP team meetings and give your input. If you are too intimidated to participate, your parents can represent your point of view to the IEP team.

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