This is the third part of an eight-part series, "Top Flaws of IEP/504s and What You can Do About Them"
The Problem
My expert thinks my child needs a certain accommodations and services, but the school disagrees. Isn't the expert more qualified than the school?
Q & A: Whatever I ask for, the School Says "No"
Q & A: The School Always Ignores My Input
President Obama Signs Rosa's Law
Yesterday, President Obama signed legislation, known as Rosa's Law, into law. Under this new law, federal legislation will no longer use the term mentally retardation. Instead, federal law will use the term "intellectual disability." Similarly, laws containing the term "a mentally retarded individual" will be replaced to read, "an individual with an intellectual disability."
Massachusetts' Anti-Bullying Law's IEP Requirements
Massachusetts law (M.G.L. c. 71 § 37O) now requires that your child's IEP team consider and address the skills and proficiencies your child needs to avoid and respond to bullying.
Does My Child with ADD / ADHD Qualify for Special Education?
4 Tips for Starting This School Year Off Right
It has probably been a while since you sat down and reviewed your child's IEP. As an important member of your child's IEP team, it is critical that you understand and agree with your child's individualized educational program. If you don't understand the IEP, how will know if it is being followed or needs to be changed?
Parents' Summer Reading List
Attending IEP Team Meetings: A Student’s Perspective
Attending IEP Team Meetings: A Student’s Perspective
Just because your child receives testing accommodations on their IEP doesn't mean your child will receive accommodations for the PSAT, SAT, AP Tests, or ACTs. Most colleges and universities require some of these tests, so it is very important that your child's scores accurately reflect their potential.