Q & A: The School Won't Implement My Expert's Recommendations

This is the third part of an eight-part series, "Top Flaws of IEP/504s and What You can Do About Them"

The Problem
My expert thinks my child needs a certain accommodations and services, but the school disagrees. Isn't the expert more qualified than the school?

What You Can Do
Just because the expert has more experiences or qualifications than school officials, doesn't mean that the expert's recommendations must be followed. The law doesn't require the school to implement expert recommendations, but the IEP/504 team must "consider" them. How can you turn consideration into implementation? Provide the team with the expert's report ahead of time. This allows everyone to read the recommendations before the meeting. If at all possible, have the expert attend the IEP/504 meeting. If actual attendance won't work, request that the expert participate by phone. Either way, it is essential to allow experts to explain their recommendations to the team and to answer any questions the team might have.

If you need help advocating for your child's educational rights contact Boston area special education lawyer Lillian E. Wong today.