How To Choose A Special Education Lawyer - Part 2

By the time you decide to hire a special education attorney, the stakes are high. You are frustrated with the school and worried about your child. Not only can retaining the wrong lawyer waste your time and money, it can permanently damage your child's education. So how do you choose the right law firm? Read Part 1 of the answer here.

4. Locate a Listener. The attorney's job is to represent you and your child. This is impossible to do if the lawyer doesn't understand your situation and your goals. How do you make sure the lawyer is listening to you? The attorney should ask relevant questions, take notes, and ask for clarification when he or she doesn't understand.

5. Assess Communication Skills. When you hire a lawyer, you are finding someone to speak (and write) on your behalf. Look for an attorney who comes across as both knowledgeable and understandable. The best attorneys know how to make the most complex laws and confusing facts accessible to the lay-person.

6. Reward a Realist. Special education law is far from perfect. Beware of attorneys that make unrealistic promises - reimbursement of fees, guaranteed private school placements, and elimination of future special education conflicts. An effective special education attorney understands the law and its limits and sets realistic expectations from the start.

If you are in Massachusetts, contact the Boston area Law Office of Lillian E. Wong today.