A (Not So) Tiny Miracle

Special education law can be frustrating! I recently received this kind note in the mail and wanted to share it as a reminder of why this work can also be so rewarding.

Dear Lillian,

Thank you so much for agreeing to take the case and for working with us over the past months. From day one you were committed, kind, patient and a joy to work with. All the hours you spent getting to know the student, pouring over documents, preparing for meetings and hearing - that all paid off in a huge way. I truly believe the course of her life is forever changed. Thank you for believing in her and for being a (not so) tiny miracle in her life!

With Appreciation,
A Massachusetts Non-Profit Coordinator

**The letter has been slightly edited to preserve confidentiality**

If you are interested in having Boston area attorney Lillian Wong advocate for your child's rights, contact her today.