Case Name: In re: Rick (BSEA #11-6535) Foxborough Public Schools
Decision Date: September 2, 2011
Hearing Officer: Raymond Oliver
Representation: Thomas Nuttall, School Attorney
Parents, Pro Se
Issue Presented:
Does school's proposed IEP provide a free appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment (LRE)?
Yes, the IEP provides FAPE. To quote the Hearing Officer, "I find that in all school areas, Rick is truly a success story." In response to Mother's previous multi-page IEP rejections the Hearing Officer writes, "An IEP is designed to be a functional blueprint for addressing a student's special education needs, not an encyclopedia."
My Comments:
This decision highlights a common situation when school districts will request a BSEA hearing. In this case, there were five years of partially rejected IEPS and various assertions of stay-put during appeal. The school was confused about what portions of the IEP they were supposed to be implementing. The Hearing Officer agreed that this situation was "unworkable." With this decision, the school has a "clean IEP" and a clear understanding of what program to implement.
Remember, the best special education attorneys in Massachusetts consistently review and analyze hearing decisions by the Massachusetts Board of Special Education Appeals (BSEA). Hearing decisions provide insight into the litigation interests of school districts, their attorneys, and the legal reasoning of hearing officers. If you have a question about your child's special education rights, including the right to stay-put, contact Massachusetts special education Lawyer Lillian E. Wong today.