New Guidance on PE and Athletics for Children with Disabilities

The U.S. Department of Education (DOE) recently published a report suggesting was for states and school district to increase opportunities for children with disabilities to participate in PE and athletics. The report is called Creating Equal Opportunities for Children and Youth with Disabilities to Participate in Physical Education and Extracurricular Athletics.

Within the report, the DOE emphasizes the need for accessible facilities and equipment, professional development and a continuum of inclusive program options. Read the entire document here.

Remember, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) includes instruction in physical education as part of the definition of special education. Therefore, a student's IEP must include goals and accommodations for PE if such instruction is needed. This new DOE report recommends that general and adaptive physical education teachers participate in IEP team meetings and help develop IEP goals and accommodations for children whose disabilities affect their ability to access the general physical education curricula.

If you believe your child's school is not providing equal opportunities in physical education, contact the Boston area special education Law Office of Lillian E. Wong today.