Q & A: Child Find Requirement

This question was originally posted on www.avvo.com.


My son is 5 yrs old and now in Kindergarten. He was just recently diagnosed w/ selective mutism. He struggles at school socially, I addressed this concern with the head start program last year, they continued to pass it off as shyness. He went the ENTIRE year without speaking to the teacher and/or social worker. The head start program is meant for "early intervention" yet no screening took place. I am concerned for other children who may be experiencing this same problem, tax dollars and/or county money is used for this early intervention program yet they are not properly screening and/or detecting issues that are of concern. Please advise, any help is appreciated.


My Answer:

The "child find" requirement covers all children, from birth to 21 years old.  Compensatory education may be granted in local educational agencies fail to perform this affirmative duty.  Please be advised, however, that early intervention laws and procedures vary by state, so I suggest you consult with a special education attorney in your state.  You can find one by visiting www.copaa.org.