Q & A: Discipline Record

Federal law provides for expedited hearings in certain situations.  In Massachusetts, The Bureau of Special Education Appeals determines whether expedited status should be granted to all or some of the issues.  If there are any remaining issues, those will be processed on a non-expedited track.  Whenever possible, both cases will be heard by the same Hearing Officer

Situations Warranting Expedited Status:

  • Parent disagrees with school district's determination that student's behavior was not a manifestation of the student's disability.

  • Parent disagrees with any decision regarding placement in the discipline context.

  • Health and safety of student or others would be endangered by delay.

  • Special education services the student is currently receiving are sufficiently inadequate that harm to the student is likely.

  • Student is currently without an available educational program or the student's program will be terminated or interrupted.

For a quick reference, see the time line below: