Massachusetts law (Chapter 71B: Section 1C) requires each school district to conduct, in cooperation with the local parent advisory council, at least one workshop annually within the school district on the rights of students and their parents and guardians under the special education laws of the commonwealth and the federal government and shall make written materials explaining such rights available upon request.
Special Education Services for Students in Private School
Summer - A Great Time for an IEP Check-Up
Summer Learning Loss
2011 Semi-Annual Pro Bono Report
How Can I Request My Child's Educational Records?
Private Placements in Massachusetts: The Cost-Sharing Option
Settlement Agreements - Parents Beware!
Congress Proposes Law to Make Due Process More Equitable and Affordable
When it comes to due process hearings, parents are disadvantaged. Schools always hire attorneys to represent them, but most parents cannot afford legal representation. Schools are repeat-players in the due process game, while most parents have never filed for a hearing and don't know what to expect.
Legal Rights in Early Intervention
Special Education rights begin at birth. From birth until age three, children who qualify for special education services under Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) receive supports and services through Early Intervention. In Massachusetts, the agency responsible for implementing Early Intervention services is the Massachusetts Department of Health and Human Services.