Question: My daughter is in public school and is a diabetic. At the moment, the school nurse is insisting, and has had added to my daughter's health plan that a parent is required to escort her on all field trips. I thought the public school is supposed to make reasonable accommodations for persons with disability. So what if we can't go? Isn't discrimination if they leave her behind? I have every intention of hashing this out with them, however I'm just weighing my options in case they won't budge.
Massachusetts' Anti-Bullying Law's IEP Requirements
Massachusetts law (M.G.L. c. 71 § 37O) now requires that your child's IEP team consider and address the skills and proficiencies your child needs to avoid and respond to bullying.
Q & A: Out-of-District Placement for Autistic Child
How do I get my Autistic son into an out of district school when the public school continues to ignore a doctor's recommendation? My son is autistic and I have filed due process last year because of an incident that should not have occurred if he had not been moved to a school that did not have an adequate autism program in place.
Department of Education Releases Model Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan
Last month, the Department of Education released its Model Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan. While Massachusetts' new anti-bullying law requires schools to create anti-bullying plans, it does not require the schools to implement this model.
Does My Child with ADD / ADHD Qualify for Special Education?
Basic Rights Presentation
Attorney Lillian Wong to Present on Parents' Basic Rights in Special Education
Special Education law can be confusing and sometimes dealing with the school system can be frustrating. This presentation is designed to help parents learn how to effectively advocate for their children within the special education context. Special education eligibility, evaluations, discipline, and dispute resolution options will be examined by discussing real-life scenarios.
Q & A: Dealing with the School's Attorney
4 Tips for Starting This School Year Off Right
It has probably been a while since you sat down and reviewed your child's IEP. As an important member of your child's IEP team, it is critical that you understand and agree with your child's individualized educational program. If you don't understand the IEP, how will know if it is being followed or needs to be changed?
The Best Parent Resource
As a parent navigating the special education system, what is your most important resource? Other parents! Massachusetts law requires that each school district have a Parent Advisory Counsel or PAC for short. Many PACs have monthly meetings, websites, Facebook pages, and email listservs. In Massachusetts, the Concord SEPAC has an extremely active email discussion list that includes parents, advocates, and other professionals from all over the state.