I frequently recommend that my clients read this book and often refer to it myself. The summaries of special education law are understandable, but not overly simplistic. The section about understanding tests scores is the most valuable part of the entire book. The sample letters provide a good starting point for parents, although as the book points out, it is important to also consider the effect of state special education law. Parents should remember that this book is not state-specific and that state laws may provide additional protections for their children.
Q & A: Medically Necessary School Absences
Parents' Summer Reading List
Massachusetts' New Autism Insurance Law
On August 3, 2010 Governor Patrick signed the bill , "An Act Relative to Insurance Coverage for Autism" (HB 4935), into law. The law mandates broader insurance coverage of diagnostic tests, medical treatment, and services for children and adults with autism. The law will go into effect on January 1, 2011.
Office of Special Education Programs Has New Director
Attending IEP Team Meetings: A Student’s Perspective
Attending IEP Team Meetings: A Student’s Perspective
Just because your child receives testing accommodations on their IEP doesn't mean your child will receive accommodations for the PSAT, SAT, AP Tests, or ACTs. Most colleges and universities require some of these tests, so it is very important that your child's scores accurately reflect their potential.
New IEP Law in Maryland
OSEP: Massachusetts' IDEA Compliance Falls Short
The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) recently released its state-by-state IDEA compliance findings for the 2008-2009 school year. For the fourth consecutive year, Massachusetts has not met the IDEA Part B (children 3 - 21) requirements. Read the complete report here. In addition, OSEP determined that Massachusetts is so far behind its IDEA Part C requirements (birth - 3) that federal intervention is necessary.