New IEP Law in Maryland

Starting tomorrow (July 1, 2010) parents in Maryland will be more prepared for IEP meetings.  At least, that is the purpose of S.B. 540, a law that requires schools to provide parents with IEP meeting documents 5 days business days prior to an IEP meeting.  Documents covered by this new rule include draft IEPs, assessments, and any other documents the team plans to discuss.  What a wonderful idea!  One of the fundamental pillars of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is parental participation.  However, it is common practice, at least here in Massachusetts, that only school personnel have access to draft IEPs prior to meetings.  Allowing parents to have time to better comprehend the draft IEP and propose changes is a positive step to encouraging parental participation in the special education process.  Maryland should be applauded for providing parental rights above and beyond IDEA.