Are iPads and iTouches the next big thing in Assistive Technology?
Last week, Apple unveiled a new section of its application store on iTunes - “Special Education: Learning for Everyone." Within this section, the applications are conveniently organized into five subsections: communication, hearing, language development, literacy and learning and organization. Applications include text-to-speech software, graphic organizers, and handwriting tools.
Q & A: Is it Legal to Only Provide My Son a Two Hour School Day?
The Question:
My son who is 8 has autism he is in special needs class on a military base. We just moved to a new place and he has gone to school for several years now. However this new school only has him going 2 hours a day. At first I agreed to do this for a few weeks to get him used to the school but its been a few months now and I think they are doing it to convenience themselves. I think he needs to go all day like the other kids. Is this even legal? Only keeping him for 2 hours?
Q & A: Out-of-District Placement for Autistic Child
How do I get my Autistic son into an out of district school when the public school continues to ignore a doctor's recommendation? My son is autistic and I have filed due process last year because of an incident that should not have occurred if he had not been moved to a school that did not have an adequate autism program in place.
4 Tips for Starting This School Year Off Right
It has probably been a while since you sat down and reviewed your child's IEP. As an important member of your child's IEP team, it is critical that you understand and agree with your child's individualized educational program. If you don't understand the IEP, how will know if it is being followed or needs to be changed?
Q & A: Medically Necessary School Absences
Attending IEP Team Meetings: A Student’s Perspective
Just because your child receives testing accommodations on their IEP doesn't mean your child will receive accommodations for the PSAT, SAT, AP Tests, or ACTs. Most colleges and universities require some of these tests, so it is very important that your child's scores accurately reflect their potential.
New IEP Law in Maryland
Case Summary - BSEA # 10-6335
Q&A: Child with ADHD Treated Unfairly by Classroom Teacher
I feel like my child is being treated unfairly by his 2nd grade teacher what more can I do? I have made it clear to the principal and teacher that I'm not happy with the situation. I have asked for a classroom change, sat in class with my son and I am at a point where I just have to tell him to grin and bare it. He is ADHD and has had no efforts by the teacher to facilitate his needs.
Special Education Compliance - How Does Your District Measure Up?
Every six years the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education investigates Districts' compliance with education regulations, including federal and state special education law. Districts receive ""Commendable," "Implemented" (meaning at least substantially implemented), "Partially Implemented," "Not Implemented" (meaning at least substantially not implemented), and "Not Applicable" ratings for each compliance criterion.