Requesting a Unilateral Placement

What is a unilateral placement?  It is a self-help mechanism that parents utilize when the school district (District) is not providing their child a free appropriate public education (FAPE) and the parents believe that a private placement would provide the child FAPE.  Instead of waiting for the District to agree to fund the placement, Parents pay out-of-pocket for the placement and try to seek reimbursement from the District.

Whether or not the Parents are entitled to reimbursement is a complicated legal question.  The notice to the District must meet certain procedural requirements.  We would NEVER recommend a unilateral placement without working with a special education attorney or a seasoned special education advocate.  If Parents' notice is not sufficient, they are not entitled to reimbursement. 

Even if the request if procedurally valid, a unilateral placement is financial risky.  Reimbursement is only warranted if the IEP at the time of the unilateral placement does not provide FAPE and the out-of-district placement does.  Reimbursement might also be confined if the District later offers an IEP that does provide FAPE.    BEFORE a parents decides to unilaterally place their child, it is very important to a comprehensive case analysis by an experienced special education attorney.  This is best way for you to optimize your chances of recouping  your expenses.

If you are considering a unilateral placement contact the North Shore and Greater Boston Massachusetts lawyers at Wong & Boscarine.