Top 10 Blog Posts of 2011

What were the most popular topics of 2011?

By far, Procedures Lite dominated readers' attention. Thankfully, the Massachusetts DOE were also paying attention and by the end of 2011 advised against this broad waiver of special education rights.

Didn't get a chance to read them all? Here's the list in order of popularity:

  1. Procedures Lite - Parents Beware! (971 page views)

  2. Advocate vs. Attorney - What is the Difference? (377 page views)

  3. Massachusetts' Anti-Bullying Law's IEP Requirements (344 page views)

  4. Rejecting an IEP (341 page views)

  5. School Choice in Massachusetts (224 page views)

  6. Can I Go to College if I have an "IEP Diploma?" (185 page views)

  7. Education Law and ADD/ADHD Medication (160 page views)

  8. Can Teachers Talk to my Child about ADD/ADHD Medication? (137 page views)

  9. Massachusetts' Law on Physical Restraint (134 page views)

  10. Due Process Hearings - What to Expect (131 page views)

If you have questions about any of these special education legal issues, contact the Boston area Law Office of Lillian E. Wong today.