Top 10 Blog Posts of 2012

More visitors than ever visited this special education law blog last year. I am so happy to see that parents, advocates, and other professionals are using this (free) information to educate themselves about children's rights. I hope to revisit the Advocate vs. Attorney issue soon, as it has been a popular topic for several years.

So what were the most popular special education law topics of 2012?

Here's the list with links to the articles:

1. Advocate vs. Attorney - What is the Difference? (808 page views)
2. School Choice in Massachusetts (720 page views)
3. Rejecting an IEP (707 page views)
4. Teacher "Bullying" Student (454 page views)
5. Can Teachers Talk to my Child about ADD/ADHD Medication? (366 page views)
6. Can I Go to College if I have an "IEP Diploma?" (356 page views)
7. Stay-Put Rights in Massachusetts (252 page views)
8. Procedures Lite - Parents Beware! (203 page views)
9. Due Process Hearings - What to Expect (184 page views)
10.Education Law and ADD/ADHD Medication (180 page views)

Attorney Lillian E. Wong is committed to representing the rights of children with IEPs and 504s in the Boston area and beyond. If you have a special education dispute with your child's public school system and need experienced advice and advocacy, contact her today.