
Hearing Decision - Child Entitled to Return to General Education Setting

Hearing Decision - Child Entitled to Return to General Education Setting

Case summary: School district indefinitely suspended Student with a disability, alleging Student had inappropriately touched others, attempting to give them "wedgies." School proposed a substantially separate placement. Attorney Wong, on behalf of Parents, argued for Student's return to the general education setting with a comprehensive behavior plan in place. Hearing Officer agreed with Parents that the general education classroom was the least restrictive environment and ordered that Student be allowed to return to his regular education classroom.

Q & A: School Reports You, Sue for Harassment?

Q & A: School Reports You, Sue for Harassment?

My son has an autism spectrum disorder. He has problems, and is not in the appropriate special ed class, despite a request to change. He has had CPS called because of issues that are related to his problems, more than once. He has trouble with appropriate urination, which is common in autism, and he has had times where he has been told he stinks even though he has showered and his clothes directly from the dryer. They say it is cat pee, and while we have cats, this isn't the problem. I do everything I can to make sure he doesn't "smell" before he leaves.